Jumat, 15 Desember 2017

Dialog UAS Bahasa Inggris

Micin = Wildan                                                                 Setting = Airport 
Garam = Putra                                                                   Situation = Waiting for boarding 

One day micin met his bestfriend in an airport ,then they are talking about anything while waiting the boarding.

M: Hy bro, long time no see , how are you ?
G: I’m very well , how about you ?
M: Me too
G: What are you going , man ?
M: I’m going to bali , I wanna spend my holiday there, and you ?
G: I want to go toMaldives ,by the way what is your job cin?
M: I’m a boss in a company , and I feel bored with my job
G: Why did you feel bored??
M: I only sit on my work desk to sign every papers , so I think I have to leave for a week, how about your job ??
G: I want to test in a police department
M: Wow ,,  that’s amazing man ,have you ready yet ?
G: Of course I’m ready ,hehe ….
M: Do you like bali’s traditional food ?
G:Hmmmmm….. I like ayambumbubali ,the taste is very delicious
M: Oh ya ? I never eat it before , where did you get it ?
G: My father brought it to me  , when he was a job to went to bali .
M: I have a bestfriend ,he has a restaurant in bali and I think he sell ayambumbubali , I think . hehe
G: Is it true ?,hmm.. I think if I have much time I want to go to bali .

 The anouncement for passengers to go to Maldives has been called .

G: It’s time to go cin see you …..
M: Ok ram see you too and take care with your holiday.

Then garam go back to micin, he ask for his ticket.

M: Why did you go back ?
G: I lost my ticket cin …!!
M: Really !!!! I think it fall on the floor but I don’t know where 
G: I think so, cin .
M: Ok let’s we search it together 
G: Ok cin

2 hours ago ……

M: We can’t find it ram 
G: Yaaacin,,,,, I lost my holiday (sad) 
M: I have an idea, how if you go to bali with me ??
G: Good idea cin , I accept it ..
M: I will contact my friend to buy a ticket for you 

The ticket has bought by micin then they spend holiday together 

G: Were in bali men
M: Yaa.. it’s a wonderful place to spend our holiday
G: By the way, where we will sleep tonight ?
M: We will sleep at my best friend’s home
G: Where is he ?
M : Hmm.. oh there with a blue car

They enter to the car together

M: Okay we’re in your room now
G: It’s a good room to make a rest
M: See you this morning in kuta beach
G: Oke see you, i’m going to my room

Tommorow morning

M: Hey ram, wake up let’s we take dinner
G: Ohh... thanks for woke me up... ok ok
M: Do you know the food is delicious. There is ayam bumbu bali
G: Let’s take dinner
M: Hmmm.. ayam bumbu bali... i like it
G: That’s why i told you it’s very delicious
M: Ok thanks for the recomendation


Kamis, 30 November 2017

Balikpapan To Pontianak Trip

This time I will tell you about my journey from balikpapan to pontianak. I am from balikpapan to pontianak through road travel, traveling at home from home to banjarmasin. Well the journey took 10 hours and I drove my own car. After we arrived at bajarmasin we took a break at a very good food stall but I forgot the name of the shop. Once satisfied I went back to the way to Sampit. Well this journey takes about 10 hours and not me who drives but my dad. I spent time just sleeping and listening to the song, after arriving in the sampit we rested again in a warung and this is also delicious but I again forget the name of the shop. If you ask the time of rest where then I will answer yes in the car and when eating. From sampit to pontinak takes about 18 hours nah this is the longest journey but the road is very smooth and the traffic is so loose so guns too deh duration. Well for those who want to ask how far hell from balikpapan to pontiakan? Far away it is 1000 km more funds take 38 hours it was a lot if stop guns. So that's my travel experience from balikpapan to pontianak, well this thing I often do when year-end holiday. For those who want to try please use google map because the path is already available so do not be afraid to go astray on the road


Rabu, 29 November 2017

6 Kendaraan Dan Mesin Terbesar Di Dunia

The machine can help humans in doing the hard work in a short time and now I'm going to give you a video of the world's largest machine and vehicle created by humans to help do the hard things in a short time.

Mesin bisa membantu manusia dalam mengerjakan hal yang berat dalam waktu singkat dan sekarang saya akan memberikan video tentang mesin dan kendaraan terbesar di dunia yang di ciptakan manusia untuk membantu mengerjakan hal hal yang berat dalam waktu singkat.

Sabtu, 11 November 2017

My True Little Family In My Life

Okay I will start a story about my friendship with some of the people below
-Andi David Mahendra            -Rio Arya Pandora
-Veria Ardiyani Situmorang    -Angga Febrian Saputra
-Putri Nurul Ismi                     -Dimas Prasetyo
-Velita Rosari                          -Muhammad Elang Rizwan A'haadi Panjaitan
-Nur Jannah                             -Risky Fernanda
-Indah Ayu Nurjannah             -Septy Mandala Putra
-Angga febrian
               We met and started a friendship is actually long time, start from junior high school but when senior high school everything changed to be closer again. I think we have formed a small family, this is at the start of a study group for math tutoring just before the UN 2017.
               I may be lucky to have known them. they help me a lot to achieve what I'm achieving now. Maybe I would not be like this if it were not for them, we help each other in terms of student life senior high school . What is student life like? Learning, remind tomorrow there home work and there are many beauty that they share to me.
               I feel my friendship with them is a very positive thing and until I do not feel the negative things that I receive from this friendship.
               When I can talk about this friendship, then I would say this is not friendship but it has become a complementary little family. When we passed the senior high school, we have pursued the dream of each and alhamdulillah we reach it. But one of the risks that must be accepted is a separation from a small family, I hope and pray to those who I mentioned his name one by one above you may be happy and in the success of everything. And hopefully this little family can survive until we get old.

keep scrolling down to see our little family
I Am MTQN and this is my little family


Senin, 30 Oktober 2017

Food Review Pizza Hut Indonesia

Pizza Hut is an international food restaurant and franchise specializing in pizza. Today, Pizza Hut is the largest chain pizza restaurant in the world with nearly 12,000 restaurants and delivery kiosks-taking out in more than 86 countries. This company is a subsidiary of Yum! Brands is also one of the largest restaurants in the world.
Pizza Hut was first opened in 1958 in Wichita, Kansas, USA by Dan Carney and Frank Carney, both alumni from Wichita State University.
Pizza Hut was present in Indonesia for the first time in 1984, and is the first pizza restaurant in Indonesia. The single franchise holder in Indonesia is PT Sari Melati Kencana, a subsidiary of PT Sriboga Raturaya, a wheat flour producer in Indonesia.
Well yeah it's all history pizza, now i'll tell you about pizza.
I usually buy pizza at Pizza Hut - Jl. Gajah Mada No. 45 Pontianak. And buy a Stuffed Crust pizza, this pizza has the inner edge of chicken sausage. Well I usually buy a personal size because usually to eat alone. In addition to the personal size of Pizza Hut Indonesia also provides various types of Pizza sizes and you can buy according to your needs. The first choice is the size of Personal (4 Cut) as I often buy, the size of this pizza is perfect for you who are hungry. This you can eat on the spot or you take it home. You seem to be eating your own personal pizza hut because of the sheer size of the bowels. Next you can choose the size of Regular (6 Cut), This size fits most walet for young people who deliberately eat together with a small family. The size fits for 2 - 3 people and the price is still affordable. the last available size Jumbo (8 Cut), Usually this size in the message for rame-rame or to wrap. You can eat this large size pizza for 3-4 people.so I suggest when you want to buy pizza you have to know how many people will eat it.
Okay that's the information I can tell

I am Muttaqin Wahdyan Putra Mahendra

Senin, 23 Oktober 2017

Tips-tips ampuh untuk mengobati sakit flu dan pilek

Tips-tips ampuh untuk mengobati sakit flu dan pilek

flu dan pilek adalah salah satu penyakit yang agak sukar disembuhkan, nah disini saya akan memberikan anda tips bagaimana supaya penyakit flu dan pilek anda teratasi dengan cara-cara yang mudah di lakukan.

flu and cold is one of the disease that is rather difficult to cure, well here I will give you tips on how to flu and cold diseases you are resolved in ways that are easy to do.

1. lemon dan Madu

Ambil segelas air panas dan masukkan irisan lemon dan dua sendok makan madu kemudian minum selagi panas. Lalu sebelum tidur, hisaplah permen mengandung lozenge.
*di Indonesia contohnya permen Streptills atau Woods*

2. Berkumur dengan Air Garam

Air garam sangat efektif mengatasi dahak karena mampu menarik kelebihan cairan dari jaringan yang meradang di tenggorokan.Fungsi lainnya adalah mengencerkan lendir dan menghilangkan iritasi seperti alergen,bakteri dan jamur dari tenggorokan.Jadi misalkan anda merasa mengalami gangguan seperti di atas segeralah kumur-kumur menggunakan air + satu sendok garam dalam gelas berukuran sedang selama beberapa detik.

3. Minum banyak air putih

Cara mudah mengobati flu & pilek namun sering dianggap remeh ini sebenarnya memiliki khasiat yang sangat efektif. Dengan meminum air putih yang banyak maka tubuh memiliki amunisi untuk melawan beberapa gejala flu berat seperti sakit tenggorokan, sakit kepala, meriang (panas dingin) ataupun hidung tersumbat.Namun jika tenggorokan terasa sakit saat meminum banyak air, coba dengan menambahkan air jeruk nipis 
*bisa juga diganti dengan juga lemon yang fungsinya melegakan hidung tersumbat dan meredakan perut begah.

4. Obati flu dengan Makan sup ayam

Cara tradisional supaya flu cepat sembuh yang menganjurkan seseorang memakan sop ayam ternyata tidak hanya sekedar mitos. Khasiat dari memakan sup ayam adalah  membuat perasaan menjadi nyaman dan mencegah penyebaran neutrofil ke dalam saluran pernapasan. 
*Neutrofil adalah sel darah putih yang dapat menyebabkan peradangan demam.

5. Istirahat yang cukup

Banyak orang terlalu sibuk bekerja atau melakukan kegiatan lain sehingga lupa waktu untuk beristirahat dan begadang meskipun keesokan paginya harus tetap bekerja. Tapi ketika tubuh terserang penyakit flu dan mengalami gejala berupa sakit tenggorokan, demam dan pilek – maka salah satu cara ampuh mengobati flu adalah mengambil istirahat panjang (tidur) supaya tidak tambah parah dan cepat sembuhnya.Bila memungkinkan mintalah izin agar tidak masuk kerja atau sekolah namun bila tidak bisa maka hindari aktifitas yang melelahkan dan buat tubuh se-rileks mungkin agar mengurangi rasa sakit yang disebabkan oleh flu.

1. lemon and Honey

Take a glass of hot water and insert lemon slices and two tablespoons of honey then drink while hot. Then before going to bed, suction the candy contains lozenge.
* in Indonesia for example Streptills or Woods candy *

2. Gargling with Salt Water

Salt water is very effective to overcome the phlegm because it is able to attract excess fluid from inflamed tissue in the throat.Other functions are to thin the mucus and eliminate irritation such as allergens, bacteria and fungus from the throat.So suppose you feel the disturbance as above immediately gargle-rinse water + a tablespoon of salt in a medium-sized glass for a few seconds.

3. Drink plenty of water

An easy way to treat colds and colds but is often considered trivial this actually has a very effective efficacy. By drinking a lot of water then the body has ammunition to fight some of the symptoms of severe flu such as sore throat, headache, fever (hot cold) or nasal congestion.However, if the throat hurt when drinking lots of water, try to add lime juice
* can also be replaced with also a lemon whose function relieves nasal congestion and relieve stomach

4. Treat flu by Eating chicken soup

The traditional way to get the flu quickly recovered suggests someone to eat chicken soup is not just a myth. The efficacy of eating chicken soup is to make the feeling of being comfortable and prevent the spread of neutrophils into the respiratory tract.
* Neutrophils are white blood cells that can cause fever inflammation.

5. Get enough rest

Many people are too busy working or doing other activities so forget the time to rest and stay up even though the next morning must keep working. But when the body got the flu and experienced symptoms of sore throat, fever and colds - then one powerful way to treat the flu is to take a long rest (sleep) so as not to get worse and faster. when allow ask permission to not go to work or school but if you can not then avoid exhausting activities and make the body as relaxed as possible in order to reduce the pain caused by the flu.


Jumat, 13 Oktober 2017

My Dream For My Good Life

Assamu'allaikum Wa rahmatullahi Wa barakatuh

Before I tell you anything I want in the next 5 years I will tell my failure to reach my dream or rather not its sustenance. My first dream was to be a Taruna Akademi kepolisian. I've tried to make my dream come true by taking the test and finally I'm falling in the middle of the journey, but not at least I have tried to realize my dream. My second dream yes that since childhood I am very happy with the car and for this reason I take the Mechanical Engineering Program at Tanjungpura University.
For now I really want to make a personal work like my dream when a small time is making gocart and my wish is very want me to realize in the near future. And if anyone ask me what I will do after graduating from Mechanical Engineering at Tanjungpura University then I will answer first because I have no work experience then I will look for experience working in the American car company that is Ford, yes this is also one of the dream I am so often because I use the American-made car so I'm curious to work there.
I have a principle in my life that while my foot is still walking I will do whatever it takes to achieve my dream. And I can also quote from the internet that motivates me every day to achieve my dream dream that reads:
Write down your plan with a pencil. However, give the eraser to Allah, because He will remove the wrong part and replace it with the best for you.

What makes us strong is DO'A

What makes us mature is PROBLEM

What keeps us going is ENDEAVOR

What makes us crumble is HOPELESS

The best human beings live by dreams! Because the dreams embedded in the heart generate self-suggestion to make it happen. Because our dreams will wake up early to do things that ordinary humans do not do. Because our dreams will fall asleep more nights to work than ordinary humans. Because our dreams will work beyond the limits that we have, because our dreams will live.

"Your dreams, your ideals, your beliefs, what you want to pursue, let them hang, floating 5 centimeters in front of your forehead. So he will not ever escape your eyes. And you bring your dreams and beliefs every day, you see every day, and believe that you can. Whatever the obstacles, tell yourself, if you believe in that desire and you can not give up. That you will stand again every time you fall, that you will pursue it until it can, whatever it is, all desires, dreams, ideals, self-beliefs. Keep our dreams alive, and we will survive''
- Donny Dhirgantoro, 5 cm
Yes it's a little story and my dream dreams are insyaa
llah in the next 5 years I can realize Amiinnn

I am Muttaqin Wahdyan Putra Mahendra
Waalaikum’salam Wa rahmatullahi Wa barakatuh
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